Rojo Light Therapy Australia

From Redness to Relief: The Role of Red Light Therapy Panels in Psoriasis Management

Psoriasis is a long-term inflammatory skin disorder that affects 2.38% of adults in Australia, and is characterised by its scaly appearance. People with psoriasis often feel rough areas of pain and irritation. This autoimmune disease has no cure; however, people with this condition often find relief from home remedies. One of those, in this case, is the implementation of red light therapy panels to engage in LED treatment in your day-to-day life!

Rojo Light Therapy is here to enlighten you on how red light therapy panels can possibly work on psoriasis, and what research says about it. In this article, we will also provide insights on other benefits of red light therapy. 

How do red light therapy panels work on psoriasis? 

Red light therapy is a photobiomodulation therapeutic technique that’s been gaining popularity over the past decades.  

As we have mentioned above, psoriasis is non-curable - so what can red light therapy do, for those with this condition looking for symptom relief, and how? 

Experts at Psoriasis Clinics Australia posit that while UV does provide relief to some psoriasis patients, over-exposure or uncontrolled dosages of UV are unsafe, as this may lead to skin cancer. Compared to approaches with UV treatment, red light therapy is non-invasive and pain-free. In addition, it is said to be 10 times brighter- higher intensity red light might penetrate the skin more deeply, potentially reaching cells involved in psoriasis more deeply. 

Since psoriasis is known to affect a rapid turnover of skin cells, red light therapy could help regulate this abnormal growth by promoting balanced cell proliferation Through restoring normal cell function, which may lead to fewer and milder flares. Thus the skin cell’s mitochondria absorb the light, and may rescue the excessive build-up that occurs in psoriatic lesions.

What are the other benefits of using red light therapy panels? 

Aside from psoriasis, red light therapy is known to be effective in improving your skin health. Some of the common skin problems it may address are the following: 

  • acne 
  • reduces signs of ageing (fine lines and wrinkles)
  • reduces age spots
  • stretch marks
  • Melasma

Risks and considerations

While red light therapy isn’t associated with any risks, it is still important to speak with skin professionals, as skin sensitivity varies. 

A red light therapy device is just another tool to add to your list for finding ease. Of course, before trying any home remedies, it is important to consult first with your doctor. 

Your doctor or GP may recommend certain guidelines that will make your treatment more effective. 

Where can you get red light therapy? 

Red light therapy comes with several options - you can choose whatever works best for you! You can go to dermatological clinics and medical spas - or, you can explore implementing red light therapy at your own home. 

Rojo Light Therapy offers at-home red light therapy panels for specific areas such as Refine 180  for the face, and midsized panels like Refine 360 and Refine 1800 for the whole body. Variations of red light therapy devices can target the patient’s specific needs and provide the best results possible.
If you’re considering incorporating red light therapy panels because psoriasis is interfering with your daily life, contact us, and we’ll be  happy to answer any questions you have.

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Rojo Light Therapy Australia
Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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